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This massive issue needs to be sorted for FIFA 16

jzapple posted @ 2016年2月17日 10:15 in 未分类 with tags FIFA , 109 阅读

Defenders start to move as if stuck in quicksand and Lionel Messi becomes Emile Heskey, in the latter days of his career. While injured.  At its best the game becomes a farce and at its worst the game becomes unplayable. Arguably, this massive issue needs to be sorted for FIFA 16 more than any other on this list. This is probably the most crucial tip to remember. If your player if running away from FIFA 15 Coins goal at an angle with the sprint button held down and you try a cross the ball it will have little accuracy and you will be lucky to keep the ball in play. Scoring goals from crosses can be a useful trick to have in FIFA 16 as sometimes, you don t have enough skill or good players to break through the opponent from the middle. In such a situation, putting good crosses in from the wing can be an effective strategy.    

Hold the left stick for direction before pressing cross button, as soon as cross button is being pressed the left stick becomes after touch. So just before kicking if playing left to right crossing upwards hold left stick top left and you will be pulling ball back to edge of area. Top right will be close to goal and straight up with stick will be around penalty area. Try letting go of left stick when releasing cross button so no after-touch is added. Slight curve will happen naturally anyway. If your player is facing touchline when crossing quite good cross, any slight angle facing towards goal for perfect cross. Facing the penalty area good cross.  

In FIFA 16 crossing is much harder than it was in previous versions of the game. In new version of the game, specifically with a good attacker, you will be able to score much more from crossing than ever before. If the opponent is blocking consider turning back and use fake shot. You can then turn back again to re-take up your original position. If your players are well placed you can win the header against the defenders. Remember to Fifa 16 Ultimate Team Coins hold double trigger so you can move anywhere you want to put your players in a better position. Shooting gets more realistic in every FIFA, and FIFA 16 is no change, shots will be more realistic and you ll again be able to score many different types of goals with many different types of shots. FIFA Trainer is a new feature aimed at beginners to the game, that suggests different buttons to press while in different situations on the pitch.  

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